5 commandments of software localization


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5 commandments of software localization

The world has gone global so services need to be available in various languages. You will need to localize your website if you are looking to increase traffic. Here are the5 commandments of software localization:


User-friendly strings

In the codes in the resource files for the software, it is crucial to get the items that the user will see and need. Each item should have a name and the product it refers to. An example of the files would be like a username to log in or images that can be seen by the consumer. The information will then be uploaded to a source that will then differentiate the language and locality provided the application can be supported in the area. The same can then be translated to suit the needs of the audience.


It is vital to have a modifier for a different item to ensure that there will be no bugs in the situation. The idea is to ensure that in the translation where the language will change, the outlay will still be simple and easy to understand. The use of uniform punctuations and symbols, such as the underscore (_) will be efficient. You can check here quickly how to localize your website just by a few clicks. Allowing your site to read in different languages may seem simple but it is one of the key factors that will bring you traffic. 

Name Customization

The naming and presentation of names differ depending on the country and culture. Some people have one name that they use, while others have two or more names. To avoid making assumptions, it is always better to specify in the outlay, and that is why in most sites as one is logging in, it will usually show the input for the First name and the Last name and in some few cases, the middle name. This will ensure accuracy where this information is needed. 

Standard formats

There are some aspects that one needs to consider as the display differs from one country to the next. An example is the date, time, and year. One state may use the AM and PM while the other may prefer the 24-hour format. To consider all these, it is crucial to store all the different times and dates in a general format in the server. The libraries will prove to be very useful since they can save and convert all these localized files into the appropriate form needed in the specific region.


This is very important since it will ensure that when one prepares to translate any projects, the testing has already been done to ensure that the browser in a particular language will support it. Continuous testing of the strings will ensure that everything is captured, and simple scanning will avoid issues of bugs arising later on.


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