Look What You Made Me Do.


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 This was all your fault.

All those people I killed, your fault! 

We were best friends but you ruined that didn't you. But that's ok, you're here now and you won't be leaving this time.

Hey, hey, calm down I'm not angry anymore, no, I'm grateful. You made me what I am today. I'm over all that stuff, seriously, it's all in the past.

Well almost all in the past, she's still here. I can't believe you married her! She was mine, I loved her! Friends don't steal from friends dude.

Remember when we were 16, me and you we would hang out in the park on Fridays after school. You were a little nerdy but I enjoyed our friendship.

You made me feel normal, to everyone else I was a freak but to you, to you I was your best mate, your protector scaring away the bullies. And then we met her.

Bella Price. She was beautiful, long blonde hair, big blue eyes. 

And that smile, man she could wipe away all my dark thoughts with just one smile.

It was like beauty and the beast, the Princess chose the freak. We were supposed to live happily ever after but along came the evil wizard, that's you by the way, to destroy their happy ending.

You broke my heart you know. You left me all alone in the world, stole my girl and ended the only friendship I ever had.

But you were fine weren't you. You get yourself a new group of friends. Harris, Arthur, Ethan, Barry. The worst part was you didn't just ignore me. No, you started becoming just like them, treating me like a freak.

I tried my best to ignore it all. Kept my dark thoughts to myself, hid them in a dark box in a dark room in my head. And I was doing a good job too, living a normal life, even got myself a job.

But then I heard of your wedding. You and Bella, enjoying my happy ending! You invited them, you even had Ethan be your best man. I remember when he used to steal your money, push your head down the toilet, he even put dog shit in your locker one time.

It made me so angry, I couldn't hold it inside any longer.

I found them all, your "friends". I found them all and I ended them all.

I did all of this for you! Now they are all gone and we can be friends again.

"Mmm hmnnm!"

Shut up Bella!

I forgot I brought you a present, let me go get it for you.

Here she is. Your blushing bride. The last one on the list. Bella Price!

So, would you like to do it or should I? 

Me? Wow such an honour. I'll put on the show, you just sit and watch.

I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you over her screams. Oh come on don't give me that look. Are you not entertained?

Fine! I'll end it here. Till death do us part right? You can die with her! You broke my heart! Now it's finally my turn.

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