The Moments Between Hello and Goodbye


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Thank you for taking the time to read my upcoming novel.
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It was a cold winter night in upstate New York. A young boy named Steven was sitting at the kitchen table, coloring a photo and thinking of what he would do the following day.

A sudden bang at the door with a voice that yelled, “Henry, get out here!”

Henry, Steven’s father, rushed to the door to see what was going on.

“Larry, is that you? What’s going on?” Henry asked.

“A storm is coming upon us. A storm no one has seen before. We must go. We need to find shelter. Grab Lindsey, your son and leave before it’s too late.”

Without any hesitation, Henry grabbed Steven, rushed to his wife and started packing only the things he needed.

“Son, go and wait for us in the car, your mother and I will be right out.” Henry shouted.

Steven, afraid, did as his father asked and grabbed his teddy bear Leo and left to take cover in the car.

As the next few minutes pass, he starts to hear screams come from inside the house.

“What is happening?” Steven cries to himself as he closes his eyes and begins to pray.

Waiting a few more minutes, he decides to go inside to find out what happened to his family.

Searching through every room in the house, Steven cannot find a single trace of his parents.

“I can’t do this on my own. Please come back.” he whispered.

Heading back outside to figure out what was going on, a car quickly pulls into the driveway. Steven approaches it and notices it’s a family of four. A father, mother, and two sons not much older than him.

“Where are your parents, son?” the father driving the car asked.

“They told me to wait, they said it would only take a minute. I heard screams and haven’t seen them since.” Steven replied.

The father’s face turned pale white as he turned to the passenger and quietly talked amongst themselves.

“My name is Joshua and this is my family. We are from a few towns over. You need to come with us. .the father says.

“Something very bad is happening and we need to as far away as possible.”

Steven could see the pain in this man’s eyes, the truth behind his words. He grabbed Leo and got into backseat of the car.

After a few minutes of catching his breath, Jacob and Peter, Joshua’s sons started to try and calm Steven down.

“My Dad said everything will be okay. We’re going to the shelter. I’m sure your parents are already there.” Peter said.

Completely in shock, Steven reaches down to grab a tight hold onto Leo as he attempts to look out the window.

“Who are you, young man?” Rachel asked.

Attempting to gather his thoughts, he mustered enough energy to put together the words. “My name is Steven...Steven Flinn.”

“Well, that’s a lovely name isn’t it, Joshua?” she said back as she smiled.

Joshua continued to focus on the road as he sped down the mountain side. Looking out the window, Steven could barely see through the late-night fog and snow that was rapidly settling onto the ground.

Screech! The tires started turning back and forth.

Jerking the wheel to drive straight, Joshua held on with all is might. The car proceeded to spin sideways, crashing through a guard rail over the side of a hill.

Spinning, flipping, Joshua closed his eyes just hoping it was almost over. All of a sudden, the car land upside down with a loud thump. Joshua looked looked around and no one was alive, the impact was all too much for them.

Steven’s body suddenly became numb from the wind and snow.

“Is this the end, God? Please help me.” Joshua whispered as his eyes slowly began to close.


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