hipster werewolf


Tablo reader up chevron


this is the first re-write of my nanowrimo 2015 project. it's cleaned up a lot but its still pretty rough.

hopefully this is an improvement on my first draft. if not, well fuck. 

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blog posts #1-4

So there I am, reviewing notes for my online summer course. ( I'm only going into my sophomore year and already I'm having to take summer courses so that I have the prerequisite for a fall class? Fuckin BS. But I was the smartass who decided to double major.) Anyway, so I'm reviewing shit for this timed test I gotta take, when Tyler comes over to where I am on the porch swing and calls me a nerd.

“You're the one who had braces until he was sixteen,” I told him. “What kind of nerd-ass werewolf wears braces?”

“One who wants nice teeth,” he said in his drawling voice and then smiled unnaturally wide to show off his perfectly straight teeth. “What kind of nerd-ass werewolf goes to college?”

“One who wants to learn shit?”

“You ain't never gonna learn more in some school than you could here with your family.”

“Yeah?” I asked. “You guys gonna teach me how to carbon date pottery shards from Mesopotamia?”

Tyler’s face scrunched into a scowl. “Alright. Nerd.”   At least he left me alone after that.



I'm going back to school in a couple weeks, and I'll be damned if everyone on my aunt’s family farm isn't making fun of me for it, or telling me not to go.

The only one who is OK with all of this is Becky. But even she's worried I'm going to end up following in my mom's footsteps and she’ll never see me again once I graduate and get a job who-knows-where. I mean, I don't live here now and I still visit on holidays and on summer vacation. That's not gonna change.

She asked me this morning if I’d help her with college application stuff this fall. I don't think she wants to go away, like out of state, to school, but just the fact that she is even planning on college is kinda cool. I don't think that she would have done that if I hadn't set an example first.

No one would give her shit about going to school though. She’s scary.



To be honest, I’m not even sure why I started writing this blog thing. some of my high school friends have twitter,  and I tried that for a bit but I’m just like, I can’t confine myself to 140 characters? And I don’t want to have to make 13 tweets in a row just to convey one thought?

So I don’t know. It just seemed like maybe a thing I could do. Make a thing where it’s… longer twitter.

I don’t even expect anyone to read this. Good for you if you do?

lol I don’t even know if i’ll keep up writing posts once I go back to school.



If my high school teachers or guidance counselor were to make a list-- “Universities likely to be attended by David Addison” -- the school I actually chose would be somewhere in the vicinity of not even on the list.  I even applied to the University of Chicago and got in? When I just did it so my mom would shut up??  But despite that, here I am, studying shit out in bumfuck nowhere corntown. Why? oh right, that whole werewolf thing.  

Honestly, I’m not upset about it. To say that I am would mean that I’m so much more ambitious than I truly am. I don’t think my mom is upset by it either. I think she’s just glad I’m even going to school instead of bumming around my aunt’s farm.

Not even sure why I’m writing this post. I’m just bored and stuck in the stupid airport waiting for my delayed flight to start boarding and there’s so many things in this world I don’t understand but right now #1 on the list is  why are so many people in this airport are wearing cowboy hats


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blog post #5

stupid fucking astronomy class why did i fucking take this for my science credit   fucking prof is requiring everyone to show up to a minimum of two stargazing sessions this semester, which is ok and stuff, it’s an astronomy class so yeah that makes sense. i knew that from the first day we went over the syllabus in class, but now today in class he gives us the schedule of when these sessions are going to be and every single fucking one is scheduled on the night of a full moon, or the night after one.  and he was all “i’ve scheduled several sessions during the semester so you have lots of opportunities to make it to at least two” and well THATS FUCKING NICE but they’re STILL DURING THE FULL MOON

maybe i can ask for a make up session!??!  but with what excuse? moon religion??????

i don’t know

i’ll think of something. just take a hit to my grade if nothing else.

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blog post #6 & 7

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blog post #8

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blog post #9

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blog post #10

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blog post #11

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blog post #12

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blog posts #13 & 14

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blog post #15

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