Health and Wellness Guide for Students


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Health and Wellness 

In a bid to complete assignments in time, college students end up letting their health fall by the wayside. Physical health and nutrition contribute a lot on mental health, good study habits, and sleep patterns.

Common Health Concerns for College Students

Although nutrition and exercise seem not important in the young age, cultivating good healthy behaviors can be beneficial in the long run. Here are a few of the common issues student face as they try to balance coursework with their responsibilities.

·Lack of sleep: Students spend too much time studying to the extent of denying them a good sleep. This often leads to other various health problems and can make students lose energy and motivation.

·Bad eating habits: Busy students end up eating fast food thinking that they are saving time and money but too many of these foods can be detrimental to your health.

·Stress: From assignments to exams to other requirements, you will at some point feel stressed. In fact, this is prone to occur when you are faced with a challenging work schedule. Although it takes time and patience, learning how to cope with stress can help you to achieve your goals.

Do you struggle with these problems? If yes, then this college student wellness and health guide is for you.

Students are faced with everyday responsibilities. They have a lot in their minds. This health and wellness guide will help you stay healthy no matter what problems and difficulties you come across.

1.Stay Hydrated

Well, this is a no brainer, but you will be shocked by the number of college students who ignore this. Most students would go for a soft drink than to drink plenty of water.

Dehydration is real and it can affect your health. A good rule of thumb is to use the old rule of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. And in fact, researchers at UK Edu Birdyrecommend drinking of water according to the exercise you do, the weather conditions and your health status.

Drinking plenty of water can also help to avoid overeating. Take a water bottle with you every time everywhere to stay hydrated.

2.Get Enough Sleep

Although you can go without sleep for many hours, it’s not always good for your health. It can affect you more than it benefits you. A study has shown a relationship between lack of sleep and stroke, obesity and memory loss. In addition, it can lead to heart and cancer problems. Ensure to observe and change your sleeping habits for the betterment of your health.

3.Avoid too Much Sitting

From commuting to school to sitting as you study to sitting while completing homework, you almost spend the whole day sitting. That’s bad for your health. Unfortunately, most students don’t realize this until it affects them. As studies suggest, sitting too much can affect your overall health. Effects of sitting for long hours are neck strain, organ damage, and many others.

There you have it: If you want to stay safe, healthy, and happy in your student years and years to come, you should watch your daily habits and put this health and wellness guide into consideration.


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