In The End


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 "You thought it would be easy, Edward? To thwart the doings of Malok the Ripe King? He may be soon at his deathbed, but his heir will carry on a legacy." The dark figure spoke softly.

"No, my followers will one day stop your kingdom from taking all of Overlook. Quickly end my life so I needn't see you anymore." Edward said. 

A quick slash of a blade slit Edward's throat, ending his life.


The town of Algon smelled of pie and fruit on this day. A stranger to the land would be confused how a ran down city could smell so good, with all the rats and horribly built houses. But today was the Day of Feasting. The Empire was celebrating the birth of a new heir to the throne, but somewhere in the city another baby was being born as well.

"Matilda! Get me a bucket and wet cold cloth!" Sarah Nannerflee yelled to the house maid.

"Yes ma'am!"

The head wife of the house moaned as Ms. Nannerflee tried to cool her down as she was birthing her new child. Matilda busted through the chamber doors with a bucket and a wet cloth. An hour later, out come a baby boy.

"Goodness, wonder if the Empress and Emperor had this much trouble with their baby." The old maid Nannerflee said. 

The woman who birthed the boy, Grace Impero, smiled and looked down at her son.

"I name him…I name him…" Those were her last words as she slipped into an infinite sleep.

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