Website Promotion through Facebook


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Website Promotion through Facebook

Facebook is the most used social media platform in today’s world. According to 2018 statistics, there are 1.5 billion users who are actively using it. Now almost every business is linking their work through Facebook by creating paid pages. It acts a universal tool for source of communication. Apart from the established firms in the industry, even small and medium enterprises can promote their work on Facebook. It is all about the right time of adopting this approach.


These days on multiple blogs on different sites, it can be seen that there are sharing options of different social tools like Facebook, Instagram, Google plus etc.


Copy pasting the link on your profile just to get likes and shares is not the ultimate goal. The main aim should be able to engage customers to actually click the URL to route out directly to the domain and see what’s inside. The term “Badge” is referred to as website link marketing.


The first thing that pops up in the mind of any business person is how one can share the link on such a big social networking site? It has a very simple process which needs to be followed step by step. If implemented correctly, there your link has been published without any difficulty.


1. Normal login on Facebook like one does.

2. Go to the Facebook Badge page through search and select          the option (either text or image).

3.Choose the category according to the material to be      posted.

4.Select a Unique username which has not been used by anyone else for the page.

5.After the above steps, click the edit icon to add the information and profile details following with a save click.

6.The page is created. Now one can easily log in or switch account within Facebook to open the Company page.


Share the page on your personal profile to generate awareness among the existing connections on Facebook. These friends can play a role of referral in terms of further sharing to their list building customer relationship and two way interaction to the potential.


Addition of updated happenings in the form of images or videos with the link below it makes the client compel to take part in reading such stuff. Incorporate giveaway schemes to engage participation.


Why is it beneficial to develop a website page on Facebook?


Key advantage is to know the reach and frequency of the content shared. Analytical results give an overview of the impressions, clicks and visit rate to the website through Facebook. Viewers count also appears under the matter posted. If the target audience is females for example for any beauty brand, number of page likes upon different age groups, city wise also can be catered. These all come under the Insight section tab where graphical representations give a detailed reporting to the person who made the page.


After detailed findings, there are chances of improvement as well where flaws are observed. Feedbacks and opinions in comments box allows one to convert from weakness to opportunities for next campaign with new links.


Important points to be considered


Essential things must be kept into focus while linking the company website with the Facebook page.


1. Title must be Distinctive to attract the users attention

2. Special ad words must be utilized within the content so that even through SEO mechanism, they tend to appear on the first page of Google as a Facebook/Website Domain.

3. Even if the company doesn’t have a particular dedicated website, direct links can be created on the Facebook itself. Subject matter is significant for grabbing the potential market.

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