

Tablo reader up chevron

 what happened? 

i woke up...

why was i chasing , where was i 

so many questions....

somehow i'm chasing for something again 

i was chasing for the bus 

i was late for school....

i'm late , i ran up the stairs and up to my 


i'm in the class....there's no one 

where did everyone go? 

i walked back home after that 

questions , questions , questions 

i had a ton of them in my mind now 

i looked at my watch and sighed to myself , today was saturday 

i tried to run back home , but somehow i managed to get lost 

i look around , there's no one 

i run into shops 

still , nobody 

i just slowly walked home with my headphones in my ears 

and stared at my watch again

time was frozen

and that's when i realised , this is not reality.

i tried to pinch myself to wake up 

it's not working 

i started panicking 

i ran around and hit myself numerous times 

but still , i'm in the same place 

i look around and suddenly something appeared 

a white bright bubble 

i tried to touch it but 

it moved away 

i tried again

and it moved 


i started to get impatient and use both hands to  grab it

the bubble stared running 

i don't know why , but i ran after it

then i realised , everything was connecting

i'm always chasing something 

but what is that " thing " 

nevertheless , i ran after the bubble until a road 

the name was 

the road for your imagination 

i tried walking on it

but it bounced me away 

i tried again 

it bounced me off again 

the bubble was suddenly sucked in by the road

i stare in shock as i try to process what just happened 

then i had an idea of what was going on

this dream was about me creating my imagination 

but the problem was 

i don't know how to 

believe it or not , i've never really imagined anything 

i try to imagine the road allowing me to walk on it

but seems like it's not working , as 

my mind was blank 

i walked away giving up 

i search for food , good thing there's still some in the convenience store

i looked around , suddenly something flew past me 

it was a paper airplane 

suddenly somebody walked by 

he was wearing jeans and a jumper 

his hair was black and messy 

he went past me and grabbed the paper airplane 

after that he just walked back 

i was surprised why didn't he see me?

or was he acting? 

i decided to follow him

i don't know why , my gut was telling me to do that 

i followed him for awhile 

we went past block by block 

house by house 

empty as always 

but suddenly 

he turned over and we made eye contact

he then proceeded to ask me , " what's ur name "

i just stood there and wondered : i don't know my name....

i just created a fake name and said , " my name is Veronica. "

he replied " cool my name's Chance  , why are we here? "

i paused for a moment and realised he dosent have an imagination too !

a sudden blue bubble dashed between us 

i look at it swirl past the signboards 

it leaves behind a shiny path of metallic 

suddenly , bubbles ran across 

this time the colours were : black and yellow

they didn't run away from us

they ran towards us 

they both whispered 

" we are happiness and death , blue is water and white is life , there's one more the colour is gold ,  keep a look out for it , it's imagination if it dashes across u , u just have to shout " NOW " and we should come "

i asked why should we tell them 

they simply gave us a smile and said 

" just tell us , or you'll regret "

the night was coming 

me and Chance walked to a empty hotel 

settled in and slept

i couldn't sleep for some reason 

i kept thinking about what the bubbles said

" you'll regret " 

what could i regret? 

then , a bright gold bubble dashed across me 

i didn't know if to shout " NOW " or stay quiet 

i'm scared it would hurt me

after thinking that

the gold bubble turned over and floated towards me

i got scared stiff 

and the bubble and i just stared at each other. 

we just stared at each other 

i started to get anxious 

and shouted 

" NOW " 

surprisingly nothing came .

i was scared stiff 

" imagination " flew towards me 

it tried to touch me 

but then 


there was a swish

black and yellow bubbles swirled past    


and grabbed " imagination "

i realised they were happiness and death 

they looked at me angrily 

Happiness said , " meet at at that hotel called Uni , we'll be waiting " 


after that 

they flew away

I was speechless to be exact , the things happened in the past few seconds were such a blur to me .

Then i heard a voice , i slowly turned around and realised it was Chance. 

Chance : " What happened ? "

 Me : " Have u seen flying bubbles 

anywhere? "

Chance : " Now that you've mentioned it , i have " 

Me ; " Were they black and yellow ? "

Chance : " Yeah! That's exactly what i saw ! "

Me : " Well we've gotta rush to Hotel Uni , i'll explain to you when we get there , let's go! "

Without hesitation , i grabbed his hand and ran to Hotel Uni.

When we reached , i could see teo floating bubbles waiting , 

Death : " Oh you've found another unimaginative human being i see " 

Happiness : " Oh Death stop being such a bummer , anyways , hello guys do you know why we called you here? "

Chance and I : " Uh...not exactly "

Death : " We are here to train you to imagine , see you're here because you have been called up from the gods of imagining , and we are mentors for the time being. "

Happiness : " We told u to look out for " imagination " because he takes away all of your imagination and you have to go and learn how to imagine all over again. "

I..I..I didn't know what to think , am i really in this world or am i dreamin-

I suddenly wake up , it had all been a dream , I heaved a sigh of relief. That day was full of interesting stories. 

Hope you enjoyed this short but meaningful story , the ending was kind of weak but i hope you liked this story !! xx

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