Reading the Signs.


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Sitting in her uncomfortable plastic chair, Siobhan stared at her hands. She wasn't sure why she still bothered coming to classes. Her teachers handed her the lesson content at the end of each session anyway - they might as well email it and save her the effort of getting out of bed.

 Her mother told her that it was for the social aspect. College was a time to make friends, she'd said, her hands forming the words in sharp jerks, betraying her impatience. Siobhan had nodded and sighed. How could she explain that it was impossible to make friends when no one spoke your language? She could understand what they said, but she couldn't say anything back.. It was like being in a glass cage - able to observe life, but never able to participate.

 Half an hour to go. Out the corner of her eye, she could see the teacher gesticulating in front of the white board. The rest of the class laughed. She felt the vibrations in her chest but her ears heard nothing.

 A fly darted past her nose and she traced its path with her eyes. It flew a couple of loops and then landed on someone's book. Zack's book, she realised. The only person who ever made an effort to smile at her when he saw her.. Her eyes flicked up to his face and she saw with a start that he was watching her. When their eyes met, he waved. She fluttered her fingers back, unsure.

 You ok? he mouthed. She nodded, and then, casting a furtive glance at the teacher, faked a yawn. Zack grinned and pointed at his chest, nodding.

 Siobhan smiled. Do you know how to sign? She formed the shapes slowly and carefully, plastering a quizzical expression on her face. Zack shook his head and mouthed, No, sorry. Siobhan shrugged, but her face fell. For a half second she had thought that she might have finally found someone to talk to.

 Her eyes dropped back down, but snagged on Zack's waving hand..

 What? she asked, wagging her finger from side to side.

 Teach me? Zack's expression was slightly hopeful, which caught her by surprise. A thousand questions flooded her mind, but she couldn't ask him any of them, at least not without a big piece of paper and a biro. Her hands flexed, and she nodded.

 All right, she mouthed. Zack grinned.

 See you at lunch?

 Siobhan nodded and Zack looked sharply up at the teacher as his eyes swung over them.

 The rest of the lesson breezed past, and Siobhan's copy of the notes were waiting by the door. She signed her thanks and emerged into the press of people heading out for lunch.

 She found a quiet spot on the steps, where she could see who was coming, and settled in to wait. Zack didn't take long to appear, and he dropped down beside her.

 Where do we start? He asked.

 Hello, Siobhan signed. Zack copied her.



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