Love of my life.


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An angel came on earth before 50 year ago named Grace. Her parents were so happy to see their first child. But she never knew about her mother. Because of brain haemorrhage her mother was died after a day of her birth. Her father decided to remarry to raise her in a good way. After one day he married to other women who had a girl child with her. so her grandparents took her with them. She was 6 years old when her grandparents sent to the old age home. She was crying all the day and night but her step mother denied to change her decision. Her father lifted her in his arms after 6 years. Because she had 3 step sisters. Next morning, she had to help her mother in household works because all children were in school. Her grandparents used to make her study and she was very brilliant. She was weeping and remembering all the best days in her life. Suddenly, her father came and said to her "Get ready, today we are going to new school and here is your uniform." This is her grandparents sacrifice for her, they sold the property to make her future bright. The very first day, she was feeling strange in the new environment. But  teacher made her comfortable and she smiled. After school, she went to her mother and tried to hug her but she said "Go away and don't even try to touch me because I am not your mother". Her father was helpless but smiled and said" your father is here for you and lift her". After some time, she was doing household works and later she finished her homework. Her step sisters were not good with her. Because she of her brilliancy her sisters were so jealous, she used to do her homework to get something.

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