This I believe


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This I believe

Vince Sikorski, 2008

“I value the right to exist! Not only my right to be on this earth but the rights of all things to be here. The rocks the tree’s the life and the non life.

I believe that what is here on earth has a right to be here. Being a being that can see the actions of my actions gives me a sense of obligation to protect the sanctity of all things.

Grinding up a boulder into pebbles, then sand and finally powders appears to me an unnatural process. For you see, humans use their minds and force nature to bend to their will. Taking away the rights of that boulder to break down over tens of thousands of years seems to me a pretty egotistical way of thinking.

I think that we need boulders on the planet, for they protect us and help to define what it is to be a human being. We walk on giant boulders every day of our lives not even questioning what life would be like for us on an earth less planet. Could it be that land was the one thing life needed to develop into such a cerebral being such as ourselves? For if that was the case I think we might give the earth a little more respect.

The boulder is a metaphor for everything on the planet at this moment. We need bugs, extreme weather conditions, pollution's, people, animals and sometimes deaths. All these things at the very least will enable humans in the future to look back and see where we need to be more adaptive and responsive to ever changing conditions.

Being human today gives me the power to take life and use it for my own ends, therefore I should kill only what I need, with the mindset that my goal is to have the lowest impact I can on the planet.

I am responsible for my impact on the planet. When I consume I should strive to find balance and understanding that my actions affect my personal world and the world at large.

My humanness also gives me the ability to save life as well as take it and for me personally I would rather give, save or protect a life then take it, or worse, make it my slave. I think it’s possible to stretch this idea to just about everything else on the planet.

I feel strongly that it is my duty to pass these values onto my son, so that he can do like wise with his children. And over the generations of my kin, I hope that we can metaphorically turn the powder, sand and pebbles of our minds back into the beautiful boulders that make the earth, one living organism that respects and values all things to simply have a right to survive.”

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