A Love Spell Gone Awry


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A Love Spell Gone Awry

By Kym Kostos

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Copyright (C) 2014 by Kym Kostos

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

ISBN: 978-0000000000

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Things were starting to get out of control. I didn’t know what was happening. Everywhere I went, guys were falling in love with me. Guys, I had never met before, never knew existed were asking me out, bringing me flowers, following me, writing me love poems, etc…

Somewhere things went wrong. I remembered seeing that movie Love Potion No. 9 and thinking to myself how cool it would be for guys to be falling over me to talk to me or just to have me smile at them. For guys to fall in love with me without ever meeting me before. I soon changed my mind once it actually started happening to me.

I guess I am talking in riddles and should explain things a little better to you. It all started four months ago…

My best friend Jessica had been having problems with her boyfriend and they were heading for a break-up. He wasn’t giving her enough attention and was spending all of his time with his friends after school and on the weekends. It was our first year of college and we had both had our boyfriends since high school.

For the following two months after they had broken up, Jessica had been miserable. Then out of nowhere her boyfriend, Chad, called her begging her to come back to him. He told her that he couldn’t live without her, that he missed her, that he made mistakes, that he would do anything to get her back. Of course Jessica took him back. And ever since then, Chad has spent as much time with her as she wants, he doesn’t hang out with his friends when Jessica wants to spend time with him and he has become more romantic and loving. Basically, he has become the perfect model boyfriend and Jessica soon became the envy of every girl.

Really hot cheerleaders from our college were coming up to Chad and flirting with him and he would totally ignore them whether Jessica was around or not. Chad was a football player, so he was a prime catch for a college cheerleader. His only love focus was on Jessica.

Soon after Jessica’s love life was in order, mine began to fall apart. Steve and I had been dating since our freshman year in high school. He was also on our college football team. Things had been going great for us until we started attending college. They say people change when they start college and relationships don’t usually last. Somehow someone outgrows the other person.

Steve and I had been arguing a lot and sort of annoying each other. Not to say that I didn’t love him with all my heart, but college does change a person. He was getting a lot of attention from more girls than he did in high school. Steve has never been unfaithful to me, even with all the temptation he has gone through. We were just growing apart and I was scared to death that I was going to lose him.

Then the bomb dropped on me one Thursday afternoon before winter break. He was going to visit relatives for the holidays and he wanted to meet me before he was leaving for his trip. I thought it was because he wanted to give me my Christmas present. I had his all wrapped for him. I had found a football jersey with his favorite team, The Green Bay Packers on the internet and had his name and football number customized on it. I knew he was going to love it. His dream was to play for them one day.

We met at the park, our favorite place to go. We would spend lazy days in the summer on a blanket talking and planning our future together. He would always pack us a picnic and bring some music for us to listen to. Steve had a very romantic side.

Well, anyway, that day I went to meet him thinking that we were going to exchange Christmas gifts. I should have known something was wrong when he showed up at the park bench without a gift. Then I thought to myself, maybe it was a ring and he had it in his pocket. Wishful thinking on my part.

He sat next to me on the bench and looked me in the eye and said, “You know that we haven’t been getting along very well lately and we just don’t click or connect together like we used to. It seems as if things have been on the bad side of things for a while now. I think it would probably be better if we stopped seeing each other before things get really bad for us.”

His words stung like hell. My heart sank as I realized that he had just broken up with me. I couldn’t speak because of sheer shock. All I could do was stand up and throw his present at him and walk away. I walked straight to my car and got inside and drove away. I drove to my house, because I was living with my parents still and went up to my room and then I began to cry my eyes out. I had just lost the only man I every really loved. Somehow though, I knew that he still loved me.

After I was done crying, I called Jessica. Lucky for me she wasn’t busy with her boyfriend. “Jessica,” I started crying, “Steve broke up with me.” I cried to her on the phone.

Oh crap!” She yelled out over the phone to me. “I’m coming right over.”

Ten minutes later Jessica was coming up the stairs to my room. She didn’t live far from me. We had been best friends since the first grade. When she came into my room, I was crying, “I can’t believe Steve broke up with me.” She wrapped her arms around me and held me.

It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.” She said as if she knew something I didn’t.

Why do you say that everything is going to be okay?” I asked her out of curiosity.

Jessica looked me in the eye and held onto my shoulders. “Remember how things got bad with Chad and I?” She asked me.

Of course I do.” I replied.

Then you know how things turned around and I am the happiest I have ever been?” She asked me again.

Yes, everyone knows that you and Chad are like the poster couple for a happy relationship. We’re all taking bets on when he will propose to you.” I said.

Well, he did propose to me, today.” She squealed out.

You’ve been here all this time and didn’t tell me?” I was shocked. We shared everything.

Well considering the situation you are in right now, I didn’t want to take away from your sadness. But, yes, Chad proposed to me.” She then showed me her diamond ring.

You know I am happy for you no matter what is going on in my life. Congratulations!” I said hugging her.

Thanks. But, back to what I was going to tell you. Now, you can’t tell this to anyone. Not even Chad, your mom, dad, anyone. Promise me you won’t tell anyone.” She said to me seriously.

I promise I won’t tell anyone.” I said.

Pinky swear?” She asked me.

Pinky swear.” I replied locking my pinky with hers.

There are these two sisters I went to who are good witches and cast a love spell on Chad for me.” She said.

I thought she was joking and was trying to cheer me up. “Nice try Jessica.” I laughed a little.

No, Katy, I am serious.” She said with a serious look on her face. “They helped me and cast a love spell on Chad. It brought him back to me and that’s why we have been so happy together. They did a binding love spell for us.

What is a binding love spell?” I asked her out of curiosity.

Well, it means that Steve will be bound to you forever in love.” She replied. “Maybe you should talk to the witches yourself.

I thought about it for a while and imagined what it would be like to have Steve’s love again and to be a couple with him like Jessica is with Chad. I wanted that more than anything in the world. “Okay, I will to talk to them.”

Great! I will call them and you can meet them.” She said. Jessica stayed the rest of the night with me. I should have been crying, but somehow, I felt relief and hope and I wasn’t sad anymore. I even slept like a baby that night.

The next afternoon, Jessica picked me up and we went to meet the witches. They lived in a normal house in a normal neighborhood. I was surprised. I guess I was expecting to see them in a haunted house or castle or something exotic. Jessica rang the doorbell. Minutes later an older women, who appeared in her mid-fifties opened the door with a smile.

Well, hello Jessica.” She greeted her. “And you must be Katy. Nice to meet you Katy, come inside.” We entered the house. It was furnished in normal décor. Nothing macabre or scary. She walked us over to a table that was set with tea. “Would you like some tea?” She offered to us. We accepted a cup each.

Grace, as I told you on the phone, this is my friend Katy and her boyfriend broke up with her yesterday.” Jessica began explaining.

Well, now maybe Katy should tell me her story. When it comes from the heart of the person, it means so much more.” She then smiled at me. “Katy please tell me everything.

I told her everything about Steve and I up until the break-up yesterday. I told her how much I still loved him, how I wanted things to be back to when they were good for us or even better. I told her how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Steve and how we had talked about a future together.

She took a sip of her tea and paused, then began to speak, “So you want to bind Steve to you in love, is that correct?”

Yes.” I replied.

There are some things you need to know before you make your final decision. First off, once this spell is cast, it can never be reversed. This is no garden-variety spell that we use. My sister, Kelly, yes our mother was a big Grace Kelly fan in case you were wondering. My sister Kelly and I cast this spell together. It has been descended from many generations in our Book of Shadows. A lot goes into the spell, so I want to make 100% sure you know what you are doing before we proceed.

I understand.” I said.

Making someone love you is often referred to as gray magic. If the intention is evil, it becomes black magic and usually results in tragedy. Our intentions are noble. I can tell that you not only understand and love Steve, but that you care about him a lot as well. I've listened to your explanation of him, and I don't doubt that he will be able to love you forever.” She sipped her tea and continued.You need to know the truth about what you are about to do. No matter what happens from here on out, Steve will be bound to you. A piece of his heart will always belong to you. Do you understand?

I do.” I felt myself getting excited and a surge of energy rush through me like I was showering for the first time after camping outdoors for two weeks in the hot sun.

Okay then. My sister and I will be performing the ritual in three days when there is a new moon. We need you to be here and to bring the following things with you; your photo, Steve’s photo, some hair or nail clippings from you both, a strand of his hair will do just fine, but whatever you do, don’t steal anything form him, that will set off negative energy and we only work off of positive energy, understand?”

Yes, I do.” I replied.

When you have those items, come back here at 11:30 p.m. in three days, wear red clothing and we will cast the spell for you and Steve.”

Thank you so much.” I said.

I went home and gathered the items that Grace had requested. I still had a lot of Steve’s items that he had left at my house, like his letterman’s jacket from high school. I looked on there and found some strands of his hair and I added a strand of my hair and the photos. I waited patiently as three days had passed.

I arrived at the witches house with Jessica, who waited in the car, shortly before 11:30 p.m. as the witches had told me to. I brought them the items they had requested. Fort he first time I met Kelly, although I thought it was Grace. The witches were identical twins.

After Kelly had answered the door, Grace joined us not too much longer after that. They were in their ritual dress and escorted me into another room. The room was definitely different in décor than the rest of the house. The room was painted purple with black lighting. In the center of the room was a table with a purple and gold cloth over it.

On the table were red candles, that were unlit, but on four corners of the table. There was a vase with a red rose lying next to it, a pair of scissors, a little container, which I found out later was salt, a metal bowl, a book of matches and some red ribbon.

One of the sisters came over to me as the other one closed the door. “Stand right over here the whole time, unless we tell you otherwise.” She instructed to me.

The other sister began to talk to me as the first one was mixing things together and mumbling something to herself that I couldn’t quite make-out. “You need to contribute as much of your positive energy as possible to this spell. We need you to place yourself in position with Steve, to align your energies together. Our part of the spell ritual is to push Steve into position for your heart to capture.

Okay.” I said. It was all so magical.

Now close your eyes and relax and think of Steve. Think only of positive thoughts. We are going to create a poppet of Steve and one of you to seal the energies we will be using for this spell. The dolls act as your flesh, bone and blood. What we will be doing to them will also happen to you and Steve. Now focus on Steve and your happy future together.”

As I was focusing, Grace was sewing a poppet doll of Steve and Kelly was sewing one of myself. They used the hair that I had brought from Steve’s letterman jacket and strands of my hair as well. They had photos of us on each poppet.

Imagine Steve Ryan Miller. Imagine Steve’s eyes. Imagine his mouth. Imagine his hair. Now try to hear Steve's voice in your mind. Listen with your mind to the things you've heard him say. Anything positive you've heard him say is fine. Just identifying his voice in your mind is what will propel this spell. Since you've been close enough to him, imagine his scent and the feel of Steve's skin.” Grace began talking to me in a soothing and melodic voice.

Kelly then lit the four red candles as Grace continued to speak, “I light these four candles facing north, south, east and west. I cut the end of this rose and place it in a vase of water with a pinch of sea salt to seal the love inside this red rose.

When she was done performing the tasks she was announcing, she continued to speak, “I call to the winds of the north. I call to the winds of the south. I call to the winds of the east. I call to the winds of the west. May Steve and Katy become one in heart, soul and mind. I bind their love for eternity.

Kelly then began chanting the same thing and soon they were both chanting. Kelly then looked over to me and said, Come over here to the candles and start with the one on the north corner and work your way around, leaving the west one last. As you approach each candle repeat the chant I will tell you and then blow out the candle. When you get to the last candle, the west one, don’t blow it out, we will instruct you after that.

I stood at the red north candle as instructed. She continued to speak, “When you have a clear image of Steve, clear the memory of his voice, the memory of his scent and the feel of him in your mind and visualize your own energy mixing with Steve's energy. Do this by imagining your own energy as red smoke. If you could see heat coming off your bodies, you would have a good indication what astral and etheric energy looks like. Imagine the red energy charged with gold electricity that comes from the object of your desire and drifts toward you. Your smoke, heat and energy drift off of you and towards Steve. The two streams of smoke mingle together and become one. Really think and feel the love and attraction you have for Steve surging throughout your body. Now you are ready to recite the chant one time and then blow your north candle out. As you say the words think of each part of Steve that corresponds. Really see him as you say I see you. Do the same with the other parts of the chant. Now here is the chant; I see you, I smell you, I hear you, I feel you, Blood and bone, Flesh and fire, I bind them all with love's desire.’ ”

I recited the chant and then blew out the candle.

The energy is growing, turn and face the east candle and recite the incantation again and blow the candle out.

I faced the east and said the chant again and then blew out the candle.

With energy growing, face the south and repeat the incantation a third time.”

I then faced the south and said the chant a third time and blew out the candle.

Repeat your incantation as you face the west but do not blow out the last candle.

I did what I was told to do.


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