The new life


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Poor girl

 There was a girl called Elis.Her family didnt pay attention to her.She had to stay with her grandfather who is  almost 88 years old.Elis had no friends at school.But she only had 1friend,her teacher,Ms.Rogers.

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The Goodbye

 Elis was sick  of it! Her family argued and her grandfather was no use!Poor little Elis.She had no siblings.The only person she loved and loved her back was Ms.Rogers.One day,Elis'd grandfather had passed away.This was the time Elis was upset he loved him,but the most painful thing was the parents.Alllll night argues and argues about what they were gonna do with Elis.The weird thing about it was that they didnt care who it was who taked care of Elis as long as she had a babysitter.

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 Elis was tired.Her parent finally ate with her.But it was still sad cause even in the table they started fighting.2years later Elis turned 10.She was still sad about her family cause they got a divorce,and she lives with her dad,which is gross cause he got a girlfriend and nothing was the same without mom but actually finally elis was actually happy cause this "stepmom"was really nice she bought Elis a computer that was REAL.FINALLY someone actually cared about elis.Elis thought this could be a new and big start of a good and nice little life

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The new start

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