The Book I Should've Read


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Chapter 1

I'm not so sure what it is, but I can't keep my mind off that book. I stare at it as my obsession grows. Maybe it's the soft warm pages or the perfect leathery cover. My fingers crave to glide across the pages and flip them gracefully. My entire life seems to be focused around this book. I fantasize about reading it just one glimpse is all I ask, but I could never get the chance with my busy schedule I'd never be able to read that book.
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Chapter 1

 The book called my name. It whispered my name in the wind and cried my name in the rain. And I still never read that book. I had every opportunity on earth to read that book. I had every chance, but I never did. Oh how I regret never reading that book. For one single look would have given me the truth one glimpse would have saved me from this hell. Now my screams are forever silenced. My soul lingers here in agony. I knew from the start that book had my heart but the devil whispered in my ear and now the truth is finally able to appear...Oh how I wish I would've read that bible.

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