Springy's Heart


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Chapter 1

 Springtrap had always been a... shy Animatronic. He had never really liked going to all of the school parties, such as Prom. He did have two friends however, Foxy and Fredbear. But there was also a group of bullies consisting of Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy Fazbear. Just your typical High- School bullies, I guess... Bonnie had hated Springtrap a lot, but after today, what happened at school, he hates him even more. It was a typical day for Springtrap, Math, PE, Science, the usual. Occasional bullying, that kind of stuff. He was at his locker and was crying after Bonnie had humiliated him in front of class when his project he had been working on for days messed up and ruined the shirt he was wearing. He didn't care about Social Studies anyway... Suddenly Springtrap felt a very soft poke on his shoulder. He turned and saw Mangle, a girl from his Math class. He blushed but it quickly stopped and he turned to her. "What is it?" He said so quietly that he wasn't sure if Mangle heard, but she didn't seem to care. She stood in for of him and asked, " Why do you always miss all of the school parties?" Springtrap didn't want to tell her about the bullying thing, because if she were to go and stand up to Bonnie and his friends, she could get really hurt. He tried to leave but then she asked, "Are you ok?" Springtrap looked very confused. Had she seen him crying? "Uh..no.." He said slowly. Mangle sighed, "Oh, ok..." She said quietly. Springtrap nodded at her than headed off for his class. He turned around one extra time to make sure she was gone, which she was. He sighed with relief and went into class and read the board for today's objective. In these exact words, it said: FINISH YOUR TEST REVIEW WITH YOUR PARTNER. Springtrap turned to look at Fredbear, who was looking at him, confused as were the rest of his classmates. He ran to his seat, pulled out a pencil from his pocket, sharpened it, and then called Fredbear over. He came and asked, "Where the heck have you been?" Springtrap looked down, then back at Fredbear. "Just running late." He said quickly. "Now.. let's get to work on this review. We only have 5 more problems." He muttered. Fredbear nodded, and took his seat with Springtrap. They didn't really say much to each other, just occasionally asked for an eraser or checked each other's answers. Social Studies was over before Springtrap knew it. He still had a few hours before school was out, but it was recess, or, for the animatronics who wanted to stay inside, free time. Fredbear, Foxy, Bonnie and his group,  and The Toy Animatronics stayed inside. But he didn't realize Mangle had stayed in. She came up to him and asked a question that for some reason made Springtrap blush, "Wanna... be friends? I mean, I know you have some but you could use a few... you seem..." She paused, "Interesting." Springtrap had to turn away from her to cover his blushing face. Fredbear laughed, he knew he was blushing. Then Bonnie came over and growled, "Hey Spring, back off." He shoved him aside, and said, "She doesn't care about you. Stop making her uncomfortable!" Springtrap was surprised as Bonnie threw a punch right at his face and hit him in the cheek. "Augh!" Springtrap grunted as blood leaked from his lip and nose and he fell to the ground. "Hey!" Fredbear growled, taking off his shirt and revealing his muscles, "Stay away from Springtrap! They were just talking!" He threw a punch that made Bonnie run away, his eye bleeding and bruised. Springtrap felt as if  he were going unconscious. "Springtrap!" Mangle screamed, "Are you ok? Please wake up!" She said, gripping his hand in hers. Fredbear lifted Springtrap off the ground. "He'll be ok, Mangle..." He sounded confident, but looked worried. Springtrap shook up, then wiped the blood off. He could barley hold back his tears. Then all of the memories came flooding back, Bonnie, what he did to him, how he ruined his life... And Springtrap cried. He couldn't help it, it was all to much to take in... Fredbear looked at Foxy and Foxy whispered, "What do we do, Fredbear? He's upset and hurt!" Fredbear shook his head and sighed. Then suddenly Foxy leaned over and said, "Mangle! You talk to him." Mangle didn't question Foxy. She went right up to Springtrap and gave him a big hug. He didn't stop crying but he did look up at her, deep into her eyes... he felt safe. Anyone could feel safe in those eyes... It took about 10 minutes to get Springtrap to stop crying. He felt horrible and terrified. Fredbear walked up to him, " It's ok." He said to Springtrap. "We are here for you..." Foxy said. Mangle nodded at Springtrap and then blushed. Springtrap looked down at the ground. He felt nothing. He felt nothing but love and protection for his friends. He would never let this happen again. Bonnie would pay... After school that day Springtrap had got Mangles phone number but was texting Foxy. They were talking about what happened at school today but then Foxy had to go to a Wedding for someone he knew. So he decided to do what he loved.. draw. He only used a mechanical pencil and lined paper. No colors, no markers, only mechanical pencil and lined paper. He sketched out a little picture of him, Mangle, Foxy, and Fredbear. He slowly worked on it until he was done. It was dusk when he had finished, which was perfect for a walk. He left the house and went out. It was raining outside but Springtrap didn't care. He loved the rain. He directed himself towards the sidewalk and then set off. On his walk nothing was out of the ordinary. Then he saw something... hidden in a bush... It wasn't Fredbear, or Foxy... It wasn't any of his friends. He shrugged it off but as he continued walking down the street he heard something come out behind him. It was Bonnie! Bonnie grabbed Springtrap and shoved him in a huge felt bag. "Let me go!" Springtrap snarled, trying to hide his fear. Bonnie simply laughed, then dragged him along the street, through a small forest, and into an abandoned pizzeria. He threw him out and Springtrap immediately got off the ground, he knew he'd have to fight his way out of this. "So, Springtrap," Bonnie said his name with scorn and spat at him in fury. "Are you ready to die?" Thoughts coursed through Springtrap in a panic. 'He's going to kill me?' He thought. "You ruined everything! You stole Mangle from me, you always got the better grades, and no one liked ME! But now..." Bonnie continued with an grin on his face, "You won't do any of that." He charged at Springtrap at what seemed like full-speed but he hopped out of the way just in time. Springtrap threw a punch and hit Bonnie's left arm. Bonnie grunted, then takled Springtrap onto the ground. Springtrap winced in pain, the floor was made of a hard stone. He tried to escape Bonnie's wrath but he kept delivering kicks and punches to where Springtrap couldn't escape. It was punch after punch, kick after kick. Then Bonnie had thought he was done, but Springtrap took the opportunity to shove him off and attack with a punch to the face and his left arm again, and a kick to his knees, which caused him to fall. Springtrap took his chance and fled through the small broken entrance to the pizzeria. He emerged and ran through the forest, which was soaked with water so the soil was damp. Right before Springtrap turned onto his street, Fredbear saw him and asked, "How's it going?" Springtrap thought Fredbear must be really dumb if he couldn't tell by all the brutal cuts and bruises on his face, but then realized that he couldn't see them in the rain. "I'm Fine. But I need to get home." Springtrap took that as his leave and ran. He wasn't expecting any of his friends to be up so late. He ran inside, making sure no one saw him, then ran down the hall to his bedroom, filled with posters and drawings on the dark blue walls. He kept his room clean, so nothing was on the carpet. He then jumped into his bed and pulled a soft blanket over his body, but not his head, and tried to sleep...

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Chapter 2

 Springtrap awoke and got dressed, put bandaids on his face, then grabbed his phone, which he had left charging all night. He ran outside and down his street passing a few of the other kids that live in his neighborhood. He waited for his bus, and it came particularly early today. Springtrap got on the bus and found a seat closer to the back of the bus with no one sitting in it. He mostly just played a game while he waited for his stop. After about 10 minutes, his stop came up and he got off of the bus. He walked through the big front doors, which had a banner above them saying 'WELCOME!' Springtrap walked down the front hall, then turned left and found Foxy, Fredbear, and Mangle. "Hi Springy!" Mangle called to him. He blushed a little and then replied,"Uh hi Mangle." Mangle then got up and hugged him. Springtrap blushed even more and saw Fredbear smiling at him. "What are these from?!" Mangle asked worriedly, touching a bandaid on his face. Fredbear hopped up and looked a bit surprised. "Are you alright, dude?" Foxy said, and looked at the cut on his arm. Springtrap knew he'd have to let the truth out,"It was Bonnie. He kidnaped  me and took me to that old abandoned pizzeria. Then he said I ruined everything, I took Mangle from him, which is not true! We're just.. friends,right?" Mangle looked hurt but nodded as Springtrap continued,"He attempted to murder me! But I escaped just in time..." Springtrap was breathing hard, recalling the fight in terror but the sighed. "That's all..." Fredbear came up and gave him a big hug, along with Foxy and Mangle. He then said,"Thanks guys." And hugged each of them back. "It's a free day today." Foxy said happily, "We can do whatever we want." Springtrap started to follow Foxy and Fredbear but then gestured for them to go ahead and they nodded. Springtrap noticed Mangle didn't follow. He walked towards her then asked,"What's wrong? Aren't you coming?" She shook her head and said,"Can we talk?" Springtrap nodded and followed her to an area almost no one came to. She then spoke,"I... just want to be alone for now. I'm sorry but I'm not going with you, maybe tomorrow." She started walking away, but Springtrap grabbed her hand, she looked surprised then blushed a lot when Springtrap blushed. He then spoke,"I...I understand if you want alone time...sorry if I hurt your feelings, Mangle." She nodded with understanding, and Springtrap walked away, quickly realizing Mangle was following. "So you changed your mind?" he asked with a smile. Mangle said nothing, just gave him the knowing look that she had. They walked the halls together and talked all day, occasionally stoping to talk with Fredbear and Foxy. One thing Springtrap noticed was that Bonnie didn't show up to school today, which was strange. After school, Mangle came over their his house. They didn't talk much, they just stared at each other. They both knew that they had feelings for each other, just were a little scared of admitting it. But Springtrap would ask soon. After the awkward silence went on for 5 minutes, Springtrap broke the silence. "Mangle..." He began, and she looked happy and scared, but then got up and walked to him. He put his hand in hers and asked,"Will you...be my girlfriend?" Mangle screamed happily, "Of course!" And tried to give Springtrap a hug, but he stopped her. She stood there, wondering why he had stopped her, then he put his paws on her waist, and she put her paws on his shoulders, and he kissed her. They kissed for awhile then they stopped and smiled at one another. "I love you Mangle." Springtrap said and blushed. "I love you too Springtrap." She said back. They walked out of the house together and met up with the other 2 guys to tell them the news. They were very happy for Springtrap for opening up to Mangle and showing his true colors. And then they hung out with each other for the rest of the day.

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More will come soon!

 Springtrap's story is not over yet! See what happens next in the second book!

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By Sadie J.

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