The Last Anima


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Millions of years ago, nations waged all out war for supremacy of their planet TaMeri. As the Great War catapulted their civilization to the brink of annihilation, a group of scientist from the strongest nation of Khem created a race of beings called Oyibo that were genetically breed to be aggressive warriors, abnormally strong and without fear. They became an unstoppable army that swept across TaMeri subduing the nations and uniting them under the banner of Khem and its King. As the war reached its end, a cadre of 21 Elders well versed in the ways of spirituality, nature and magic convened to discuss the future of their species. The Elders who had long learned the secrets of immortality sought to create a civilization that embraced spirit and magic as a way of life instead of technology and science. They used their magic and called on the Great Spirit to heal their people and the land and bring an end to the war. For centuries their vision prospered, rebuilding their civilization to be greater than the one before.

But even as TaMeri flourished anew, the Oyibo, the abandoned warriors of the Great War were repurposed as workers and laborers and eventually, slaves. This condition did not sit well with them and they petitioned the new Council of Elders for their freedom. They were ruled as lesser beings due to their artificial origins. The Oyibo organized an insurrection that threatened to plunge TaMeri into another war. Elder Tarkin, a High Mage who lusted for absolute power, resurrected some of the ancient technology and subdued the Oyibo, banishing them to the northern wastelands. In the wake of the Insurrection, Tarkin consolidated his influence and appointed himself King of TaMeri, founding the Royal School of Magic and forcing all practitioners to enroll or be labeled as witches and warlocks to be hunted and tortured to death.

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Chapter 1

Yanara loved her morning walks through the forest. The sound of dry foliage crunching under her bare feet, the sharp pain as she lands on a pebble or a large twig. The sensation of walking on the soft earth of the deep forest where it's dark, even in the day and the sun never hits the ground. The smell of all the green things, living and dead, putrid and sweet all at the same time. She particularly liked The sound of the breeze hissing through the trees and stirring up the leaves. sometimes if she sits still, she could almost hear words and songs in the hiss, passing through the forest on the wind itself. But she rarely had time to sit still for that long, there was always work to be done in the mornings. It was her job to pick wild herbs and to gather any "special" items like sacred stones or vine clippings, whatever was on the list. Her mother never mentioned where to find them, Yanara just always seemed to locate them. The items would then be boiled down to make a brew or dried, then ground to powder and combined with other things to make powerful potions and tinctures that lined the many shelves of her mother's apothecary.

 Yanara`s mother was the town healer, a skilled diviner a wise and respected woman with strong, deep magic. People came from far and wide for her consult. She has cured physical ailments with her concoctions for as long as Yanara could remember. But as of late, it seemed to Yanara, that her mother's notoriety should have brought more business or at least more coins. They lived in the same old stone house, with the leaky roof and the moss covered walls. With all the business, they should have enough money to move to the West, where there is civilization! Or so the travelers say. They gave her and the other children hours of wide-eyed fascination recounting the.marvel of monolithic pyramids and great machines that harnessed the wind. She would.often daydream about living among such people. Sometimes she envisioned herself as a nobleman with pale oyibo servants in tow. Or as a healer like her mother, tending to the King himself!

But these were just dreams, idle and free from the grip of reality. The truth is, it was Yanara`s unique ability to "see" a person's aura that boosted the effectiveness of her mother's herbal remedies. Since she was a small girl Yanara would speak of people as colors. "Hello green lady!" She would say, or " mama that man is too yellow". Her mother at first,  dismissed it as just Yanara´s way of expressing herself at that age. As she aged, she began to see odd colors in plants like Green sunflowers or orange lavender. Then her mother realised the child had Sight.  She took Yanara to the Elders to determine the nature of her gift, whether it was good sign for the village, or a bad omen of things to come.

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