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She has been running and running without thinking where she was headed to. She didn't mind. All she wanted right now was to run away from everyone... from everything.

She was sick of all the lies she's been hearing. She felt that nothing was real anymore. She didn't know whom to confide to. Everyone around her was fooling her. There was no one whom she could talk to. No one would understand.

It was raining hard that night. Her clothes were soaked. Her long hair was tangled. Her breathing was rapid and shallow.  Her heartbeat was racing like a mad cow. She has never ran this much before. She looked around her and realized that she eventually reached the park near their school. She wanted to stop and rest for a while but she feared that he might catch her.

Just then, a voice from behind called out to her. "Kace, stop!"

She didn't look behind. Instead, she continued to run, though her legs were about to bend and break.

"Kace, please listen to me!" he continued to shout. His voice was near. She tried to double up her speed. But, she couldn't do it anymore. She fell down on her knees. And cursed herself for being weak.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her back. "Kace, you don't have to run away," he said to her.

She slowly looked up and saw the face of the guy who betrayed her - the same guy whom she learned to love. "Why are you here?" she managed to speak despite the weakness that she was feeling.

"I want you to listen to what i have to say..." he said.

"I... don't want to hear any of your lies anymore," she spoke in between breaths.

He heaved a deep sigh. "Then how about this..." he paused and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I love you Kace..."






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Chapter One

One thing that Kace learned in life is to never trust your brother in cooking. Kris, her older brother has been insisting to cook all the time yet he always fails to make a decent meal, and that includes breakfast. “We should’ve just ordered something outside brother,” she chimed in as she tossed back the overly-cooked bacon on the plate.


“Don’t even try to comment Kace cause you’re a worse cook than I am,” he hollered at her.


Kace sighed cause her brother was right, “Yeah. I’ll just eat at school then.” She stood up from her seat.


Kris gave up convincing his sister to eat so he finally said, “Alright then. Let’s go.”


Her brother always visits her at her apartment which her stepdad (aka Kris’s dad) has given her to make sure she has a place to stay. Kace knows how much her stepdad hates her so she also knew that letting her stay in an apartment was just compensation. She doesn’t want Kris to be stuck in the middle between her and his dad. And although she told him many times not to pick her up and drive her to school every day, he still continued to do it.


Her brother is her only close relative after their real mother died 3 years ago due to a heart attack. And since then, they had an arrangement that Kace will live alone in an apartment and her shares from her mother’s wealth will be hold by her stepdad until she reaches the legal age of 18.


As they reached outside, a black shiny Ferrari welcomed their sight. Kace stopped walking and admired the new car of her brother. When Kris noticed this, he turned to Kace. “What’s the matter?”


“I just…” Kace sighed not knowing what to say exactly. She walked towards the car and stared at it for a minute. “Your dad’s really something.”


“I didn’t even ask for this.” Kris is not really the type of person who asks for material things even though his dad is really rich. But since he’s the only son, everything is being given to him.


Kris opened the car door for her. “Now if you may…?”


Kace nodded and stepped in.


After how many minutes of driving, they’re finally near the university. Kace signalled Kris to stop the car. He gave her a disapproving look before slowly pulling it to a stop. Kace was about to step out of the car but then Kris managed to stop her by the arm. “Kace, I don’t understand why you still have to do this.”


“Here we go again…” Kace sighed, ‘cause she knew exactly where this conversation was heading. “Kris, how many times do we have to argue about this? If everyone in school finds out that I’m your sister, you’re screwed with your dad.” She said for the nth time, avoiding her brother’s gaze.


“I don’t care Kace…” He paused and turned into serious mode. “…and you know that.”


“Maybe you don’t. But I do. I don’t want your dad to hate you because of me. I gotta go now. Bye. And thanks again for the ride.” She opened the door and quickly stepped out.


Kris got defeated again. He just couldn’t win any argument with her. Before Kace finally disappeared, he managed to peak out the window and yell, “Hey! Do well in your exams.”


She got startled after hearing her brother. He really couldn’t stand me. She turned around and smiled at him. “Will do.”


She started walking her way towards the entrance of the university. It’s good that her building is just near the gate so she could just run and catch up her first class. She looked at her watch. It was already 7:25. Her class starts at 7:30 and her professor in Calculus had already given her the last warning since she’s constantly been coming to school late every morning.


She tied her hair up in a ponytail then accelerated her pace without noticing the person who was also running behind her, not until… THUG! She collided with someone before she could even avoid the person. She quickly picked up the books that she dropped. When she got up, she glanced at the person and realized that it was a guy. They stared at each other for a second until the guy bowed down and silently muttered, “Sorry.”


Kace did the same and quickly ran again towards the stairs of their building. When she reached the second floor, she saw a tall, familiar figure walking towards their room. “Sehun!” she yelled causing the guy to turn around.


“Kace!” Sehun stopped and waved at her.


She was panting hard when she reached him. Sehun held her books and steadied Kace. “Are you alright?” he asked her. Kace nodded. “Is Professor Tang in?”


Sehun smiled. “Don’t worry. He’s still not in. Come on.”


“Oh thank god.” Kace sighed in relief.


They both entered their room. Everyone was loud and noisy as per usual. She thanked Sehun after dropping the books on her table. Kace sat down and fixed her bag. Suddenly, she got startled when someone spoke behind her. “Hey. Way to start the year without being late!”


When she turned her back, she saw her bestfriend grinning at her. She was busy fixing her long, wavy hair as she interrogated Kace. “Stop teasing Nix.” She answered back with a glare.


“And why did you come in with Sehun, by the way? Did he pick you up or something?” Nix had a questioning look on her face. She knew too well that Sehun has been crushing on her bestfriend since middle school. They all knew that Sehun was very aloof and he never talks to any girl but her. Unfortunately for him, Kace wasn’t really interested to boys. She just happens to get along well with them so most people think that she’s a lesbo. But, she’s not.


“What? No! I just saw him at the hallway.” Kace defended herself.


Nix raised both her hands up in defeat. “Okay. Whatever you say.”


Just then, someone tapped Kace’s shoulder making her jumped into her seat. “Seriously! You all need to stop startling me.” She faced the culprit who was now chuckling.


The guy continued to laugh at her expression. “I’m sorry Chief.” Chen, one of their classmates said, as he took a seat at Nix’s armchair. “I just wanted to let you know that our photojournalist transferred to another school so we need to find a new one as quickly as possible.”


Kace’s eyes widened when she heard her Associate Editor’s news. As the Editor-in-Chief of their schoolpaper, she knew she has the responsibility to recruit another photojournalist which is a big problem since no one wanted to join them cause everyone sees it as being a part of the Derp Squad. “I don’t believe this.” Kace muttered as she face-palmed herself.


“Prof’s here. Fix yourself.” Nix pushed Chen away.


“We’ll talk this over later, Chief.” Chen said, as he went back to his seat.


Everyone in class fell silent as Professor Tang entered the room. He laid his bag on the table and fixed his glasses before he spoke. “I trust you all prepared for the exam today,” he said with a smirk. “I only want to see your pens on the table.”


They all complied with their teacher’s order. Just then, someone knocked on the door. They all stopped and turned to the guy standing near it.  “Uh, I believe I belong in this class sir,” he said in a melodic voice.


Kace almost dropped her pen when she saw the guy entering the room and handing their professor his class schedule. So, he is a new student… she thought.


“Xi Luhan.” Their teacher read the paper. “Yes you belong here. You can just take the seat on the last row.”


The new student nodded his head and made his way towards the last row. He caught a glimpse at Kace and a thin smile formed on his lips before walking past her. She thought she was just seeing things. Then she felt Nix poking her back and whispering, “What was that all about?”


Kace shrugged not knowing how to respond. Maybe he remembered me bumping into him earlier… She didn’t want to tell this to Nix so she just fell silent.


During lunch, Kace and Nix sat on their usual table in the cafeteria. Chen showed up together with the other members of the editorial board, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Minseok for their emergency meeting. “So, what do we do Chief?” Baekhyun laid his tray on the table and sat next to her.


“I…honestly don’t know.” She answered him with a bothered look.


The guys felt that their EIC was definitely feeling a lot of burden now. They knew how much she wanted to keep the publication alive. “How about we post announcements for applicants on the bulletin boards?” Kyungsoo suggested.


MInseok eyed him. “We already did that and it will just be ignored, Kyungsoo-ah.”


“Then do you have any better ideas?” Kyungsoo asked the others.


They all shook their heads. Just as Kace was about to say something, the door of the cafeteria opened and revealed four guys approaching in a line. Everyone literally stopped and stared as they made their way inside.


Starting from the left was the guy from the martial arts club, Huang ZiTao. Beside him were the Oh brothers, their classmate, Sehun and the student council president, Junmyeon. But everyone calls him ‘Suho’. And the last guy who was walking infront of them was the ever-popular soccer captain, Park Chanyeol. Kace knew the latter really well. He is the long-time bestfriend of her brother Kris. They’ve known each other since primary school. She didn’t know though how they got along each other so well. He is the exact opposite of Kris – arrogant, loud and narcissistic.


The 6-footer, Chanyeol was walking with so much poise like he was modelling on a runway. This scene has been quite a routine that she already grew tired of. They all watched as the popular guys sat on their exclusive table. Suddenly, another guy with a tanned skin showed up which Kace knew was from the dance club. He was with another guy who was a complete stranger to her. They high-fived each other as they reached the others on their table.


“Ah! They’re so dreamy,” Kace heard her bestfriend say. Nix stared at them like she was seeing celebrities in person.


Kace shook her head in disbelief. “Yeah right.”


“I wonder where the other one is?” Nix commented as she continued to stare at them.


Kace turned to them again and realized that her brother was missing. “You mean Kris?”


Nix nodded. “Yeah.”


Then the guys on their table turned to Kace and reacted. “We thought you’re supposed to be the president of their Anti-fans club. Why do you know their names?” Baekhyun asked her suspiciously.


“I just…heard it. Besides who wouldn’t know them?” Kace said as an alibi.


“Yeah makes sense,” Kyungsoo mumbled.


“Aren’t you guys tired of seeing them everyday strutting their stuff like they own this whole place?” Kace said with a piercing look.


“Yeah. I guess you’re right. Especially that Chanyeol. I still can’t believe he dated two girls at the same time,” Nix said.


“Three… actually,” Minseok corrected her.


Nix heaved a sigh. “Can’t blame them though. He’s too gorgeous. If he’d ask me out, I’d probably say yes.”


Kace raised a brow at her. “Are you serious?”


Nix nodded leading Kace to shoot her a death glare. “Alright! No!” Nix took back her words, though in her mind, she has also been dreaming of going out with the most popular guy in school.


“Uh Kace,” Baekhyun suddenly butted in.


She turned to him with a questioning look, “Why?”


Baekhyun was hesitant but then he leaned closer to her anyway. “The new student has been staring at you ever since we got here.”


Kace paused, absorbing what he said. “New student?” she asked back.


Nix searched for the new student and when she finally saw him, she exclaimed, “OMG! He really is.”


Kace didn’t want to confirm it. Why would he even look? “Maybe he just happened to look this way.”


“Oh okay. Then what about the smirk he gave you earlier?” Nix questioned her again.


“Smirk? How are you even sure that he was aiming at me?” She answered, as she took the courage to glance behind her. They were right. He was still looking. She gulped and quickly looked away. He has been really weird since they bumped into each other earlier. But, she couldn’t figure out the reason. Why was he giving her a scrutinizing look when they don’t even know each other? Unless, there was something else she didn’t know?




A/N: Hey! How’s the first chap so far? I dunno if this was good enough. But I still hope that you like it even just a bit. Please support this fic. Actually, the idea of creating an EXO fic got me thrilled for some reason. And my ideas kept on popping out (few months ago) haha. I just hope I can improve and do better in this fic in terms of my writing skills. Thank you all very much! :) 

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Chapter Three

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Chapter Four

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Chapter Six

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Chapter Two

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