Princess Naiara And The Prince Oliver


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Chapter 1


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Chapter 1

 Once upon a time there was a prince he was a verry

handsome prince he was called prince Oliver , since he was little he liked a girl , she beautiful ,she was nice also in other words she was kind oh and the prince did not know what it was but she had something special but what ever it was she was perferct for the prince the only problem was that she lived on Africa an he lived on London  they always talk from the mobile but the prince said that he does not whant to talk with her in the mobile he whants to see he her so the prince loved the princes Naiara so much he sended all his knights to go to Africa to get the princes Naiara and if they came back with no princess they would die now when the knights arrived on Africa they did not find any princess but they were to scared to go back because they would die ,after a wile they started asking people if the princess Naiara was there but the people said no and then they asked the queen of Africa now it simed that now the princess was in Japan the knights were really tiered so they stayed in Africa for one night.the next morning they woke up it was really early it was five o clock in the morning so they started there journey to Japan. When they finally arrived on Japan they started looking for the princess they checked in all houses but no princess then they asked the queen of Japan but it seemed that the princess was on Spain so they stayed a night to sleep . The next morning they woke up once again it was even earlier it was four o clock , so they started there journey to Spain once again ,when they arrived on Spain they started looking for the princess Naiara ,they looked every were but no princess so they asked the queen of Spain but the queen said that the princess was in Gibraltar so they stayed for one night . The next morning they woke up even earlier !it was three o clock in the morning !!!!! So they started there journey once again when they arrived on Gibraltar they finally found the princess so they got her in a inside a bag without her knowing anything she was there talking with her friends but sadenlly they got her now the prince Oliver was really worried because he had been waiting for 4 days !the knights arrived back to London with the bag that there was princess Naiara ,the knights arrived at 1o clock in the morning they were really tiered because it was verry late , so they gave the bag to the prince and went to sleep but the prince was really cross with the knights because he only wanted to get the princess with them but not in a bag because like that princess Naiara would die because she would not have air to breath with so after he told of the knights he opened the bag imidientlly with the hope that she was alive when he opened the bag it was too late she was dead so the prince Oliver was so cross that princess Naiara died he killed anyways the knights then he put princess Naiara on the bed just Incase she gets better but he waited like 6 days but nothing happened so the only thing he could do is kiss her in only one second she opened her beautiful brown eyes ,the prince could no belive what he was looking then thy married and had baby’s they had a two boys and two girls then they had a reall happy live 


For the first chapter b a good girl if you want to hear the next chapter 

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