Long Lost Friendship


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Long Lost Friendship

Once upon a time a lovely girl nammed lilly who apprciated everyone for who they were exept a bully named Sierra who bullied her 8 year old little sister Rosa.That bully embarresed and teased Rosa since they're big fight,because that bully used to be Rosa's best friend,they're  fight all started 1 year ago,when Rosa and Sierra were 7 years old they drew weird pictures together but only they knew what they drew because in every drawing they drew was full of imagination like a pink elaphant with no trump and no ears or a six leged mushroom.No one said anything mean about they're drawing because drawing those drawings was the only thing that kept them happy and full of joy,but when a new boy from L.A moved to they're street and got sent to there school was not informed about those drawings.When that boy saw they're drawings he made fun of them and called Rosa and Sierra weirdos and sometimes he told whole school that those girls were the dumbest students in the school.When Sierra heard about the rumor that was being sent around she started being one of the rumor senders and started to tell strangers about Rosa's drawings.Rosa soon got home schooled until everyone forgot about that rumor exept Sierra so Sierra  became Rosas bully forever.Rosa began to feel bad and apolagized to Sierra but Sierra had other planes...

if you liked the story so far comment and and like to incourage me to continue it😊

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