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 I lived high on an island someplace in Asia. My family was small and in particular, abrupt. It was my parents and me. My mom, Joan insisted I should be homeschooled and I was. I never suspected anything till I was big enough to understand. You might be thinking: what’s there to suspect? Well first of all I had specialities. I was different. I was icy. Literally, icy in and out. I had a small ice flake appear everytime I felt something, specifically emotion. I was not the the snow queen. I was Maria: a normal girl who wished to lead a normal life. But no, first of all I was too small for my age, I looked like I just learned to walk and whenever I sneezed anything near me became ice or atleast had some flakes. That was when I was two. Aging just made it worse. Slowly, my qualities were reflecting the snow queen. I never suspected anything. Like the way my mom would freak out if she saw me peeking through the window and I had never stepped in the outside world. It was because I was too small. And as I said aging made it worse.

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 Discovering I wasn’t normal was normal but discovering I was not human was different. It all started when I tried, imitating some girls playing. I followed their steps and laughed the way they did. What I didn’t realise was a patch of ice forming at my feet. It only became clear when I fell. My injury was not bloody it was icy. Frozen from the core. I was pretty sore that day. When my dad came, my mom told him all about it and they were deep in conversation. After that dad insisted on telling me a story. I didn’t pay attention until he said the line……there were people like you Maria, just like you. They were just like you. They were the metemicillin.

Go on I said.

They had a leader. Venezelle. He is 363 years today and only has one child. A great great grand child. No more. Sadly, the child was taken away from him. He never saw it again.

 It died! I exclaimed. No,dad said  and continued. The child disappeared. Maria, the thing different with the child was that it was in human form. Just like Venezelle. The rest were blue skinned and small creatures. I laughed at their  image. Dad left it at that. Good night! He said. This left me meditating upon daddy’s story. I knew it was a fairytale but deep inside something itched. I couldn’t get rid of the feeling. I decided to put my mind to work. I noted every quality I had and tryed connecting the dots but everything failed without the metamicillin theory. One night I was about to go to bed when I heard dad say:

The redeemer is in the attic, she won’t get it there!

The next minute I knew I was in the attic. The book wasn’t hard to find. How did I know it was a book? It found me.

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Redeeming myself

 It was right on top of the table glowing. I flipped through the pages and read everything my dad had just told me. The last page was different. It said the children of Venezelle could return back into human form by practicing a few steps. The steps were given. I didn’t understand what it meant till next morning. I was blue skinned. I freaked out. Mom and dad consoled me and said it was natural. I asked dad if his story was true and he said maybe. I didn’t mention the redeemer. That night I read the steps again. Then I gave them try. The steps were as follows:

1. Excercise

2. Find anything that is lost

3. Meditate

I followed all the steps. The last one was an oath. It told me to recite the following:

Venezelle take my gift and turn me according to my wish.

I wished to be normal. Next morning I was. I screamed out of excitement .That woke my parents. They didn’t say much. They knew I knew all that they were trying to hide. I will manage her school jobs mum said glumly. School? I asked. Yes, you’re proper enough  to join school  she replied.

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Me and Andi

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A magical place

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