Couples Retreat


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Couples & Consistency

  All married couples need a system to not only pace out the relationships life span but a systematic way to teach & learn a method to sustain a healthy forever lasting relationship is key to keeping and attaining a successful marriage.

 In order to know, you must first understand how to practice and what to practice in your daily routine that involves your loved one, your committed partner.

Wouldn't have been easier in life, to learn in school how to have a successful marriage or even an relationship with people? 

Changing the public education system is very difficult because the value of profiting off of funded education is more successful for schools than producing a criculum that can detrimentally positively impact our society by creating citizens that know how to keep and maintain forever lasting marriages & relationships vs a marriage that only lasted as long as the quality time spent in the bedroom.

which reflects the quality or per say the foundation of our society, money & sex. 

Which in retrospect I believe sexual interxourse & financial stability is not the only weighing variable in maintaining a strong and healthy relationship. 

Therefore couples are prone to frequent disagreements and arguments that lead to divorce and separation. All because people focus on emotion more than the ideaology of a relationship that define both partners as equals.

 & the fact they both need to feel wanted and desired and appreciated therefore our whole existence and how important it is to be able to have both liberty and happiness as an daily experience that we can all naturally partake in, is what makes it worthwhile in a committed relationship as husband and wife.


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