End Of The Line


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Happier days

 Sam was awoken by a blissful dream that reoccurs in his mind  night after night. This wasn't just any old dream this was his younger days that had come back within his dreams to remind him what a happy childhood he had, if he had such a good childhood what made him turn out so bad?.

Being 32 he has seen various places and met different people throughout his life but still the question burned his brain, how come he was so bad?.

Sam's life was great in every way possible until that night, a night he wishes to forget but one that will stay with him for the rest of his life. Sam long's to not feel saddened by what happened but it wasn't his fault, he swore it wasn't his fault but the truth was he is only to blame.

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Accepting the truth

 Sam know's what he has done and he can't bare to accept it, not now not ever.

Will the feeling of guilt ever leave him? Will he ever be happy again? Will people ever find out what happened? All of these questions and more he asked himself everyday.

Today was a sunny morning but still very cold it's been two years since that very night and he still can't shake his guilt, his sadness and even his regret. 

It has been hard for sam to live even breathe for the past two years without thinking about what happened, why won't the pain leave him? 

Sam know's all too well why the pain won't leave, it's all his fault but he didn't mean it, if only there was a way to take it back but he can't take it back.

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Charlie Gill

 Charlie Gill was the love of Sam's life, a sensitive woman with a kind heart.

They met four years ago when he was 28 and she was 24 they soon fell in love and was never apart. 

Sam remember's the day perfectly it was December 12th 2001 the day was cold with snow falling to the ground, he was sipping coffee in his local coffee shop when the door chime rang and he felt the urge to look up and he saw the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes upon.

She really did look perfect in every way, her eyes glistened in the day light and her smile is perfect. 

They soon got talking and from this day on they never stopped, never apart again.

September 3rd 2002 was the date they moved into their first house together and things was going great they was so in love, you could see in there eyes they was meant to be together. 

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The problems started

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It all makes sense

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The accident

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What have I done?

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End of the line

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